Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hi everybody! Its Chinese New Year again! :)
大家好! 又是新的一年了!
我们亲爱的顾客,你们是不是都做好了美美的指甲呢? 还满意吗

我们在这里跟大家拜一个早年,因为 The Nail Status 从 一月二十三号 - 一月二十六号 会停止营业。

新年要happy happy嘛!我们的小姐们从早到晚忙了很多天, 只为了让大家有美丽又bling bling 的指甲! 我们也希望亲爱的指甲师能过个好年啊!对了,我们也不会忘了谢谢大家的爱心支持! 这几天如果有任何招待不周的地方, 请大家多多包涵!对于其他光顾了我们的店可是又没有机会做到美丽的指甲的美女们,真的是对不起了!下一次记得要跟我们预约哦!但是,还是要在这里跟大家说一声,谢谢了!我们爱你!
To our lovely customers, thank you for your patience throughout this peak period. For the past few days, we have been really busy and we know we might have missed out some customers who really wished to have their nails done. Sorry to disappoint you but we hope that we can serve you again the next time you visit our shop. Do remember to book an appoinment with us ok? At the same time, do take note that our business will only resume next Friday, 26th January! Our lovely TNS babes need their holidays and house visiting too! All of us will be back next Friday! We hope that you will be able to have a great Chinese New Year and get more ang baos! If you are gambling, win more! Hehe.
Please take note of the following business hours during CNY period:
The Nail Status will resume business on the 27th of January, Friday.
Our shop will be closed from tomorrow, 23rd of January to Thursday, 26th of January!
All student and member discounts will resume on Friday, 26th January! :)
Happy Dragon New Year!
Gong xi gong xi!
龙年快乐!恭喜恭喜!Huat ah!